Wednesday, February 9, 2011


When something is reproduced for so many times is that art? What's the importance of the mechanical reproducibility of the art? What was the impact on mechanical reproducibility on the society?
Reproducing art for so many times can appear to be very repetitive but I believe it would still be art because it would be an original piece that’s never been changed in any way. Reproducing art is making copies of an original piece, having it look exactly the same or else I wouldn’t see it as the same kind of art but merely a fake or a new kind of art. The importance of mechanical reproducibility of art is so it can continue to be remembered as art as years go by and be known for its main purpose of how it affected countries or even the world. The impact that mechanical reproducibility has on society is what the importance and meaning of a symbol or art is about. For example, when the Greeks found they were only able to reproduce bronzes, terra cottas, and coins that affected society even to this day that coins are a major object that we use in our daily lives.
Is photography art or contribution to the art? Is it just a tool used by artists?
Photography is art but people can believe it is not because it’s not used by a paintbrush or clay. It is a different kind of art that only the camera can show because of all of the technical and digital effects. Cameras are seen as a modern way of creating art. When the photograph is printed out is shows the creative angle of the person or object, the way the light was shining upon them or the way their head was tilted. Those aspects of a photograph are what makes photography art.
How and why Henry Pitch Robinson created Fading Away? What was the reason?
Henry Peach Robinson created a ‘Combination Print’ called ‘Fading Away’ which is basically a picture that’s telling a story of how this girl is dying and showing the reactions of everyone around her. Robinson’s reason for creating this piece was, “posing to create a touching albeit a realistic portrayal of a grieving family”. Many found the picture shocking because there was so much truth to it about death and grieving that it didn’t seem right to show such a piece. 
Photography has impacted the world of art and influenced some changes in the area of accessibility to art. If mechanical reproduction created revolution, what is happening now with the digitalization?
Even though mechanical reproduction created revolution, digitalization is still around but not as popular because you can edit the images not only through a camera but through applications on the internet. 

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